PropFIX at Bauma2022 exhibition in Munich will bring and demonstrate the most universal tools for formwork prop fixing.
This year #Bauma ‘s one of the topics is zero emission. Therefore, we are glad that our clients can use the tools to fix the formwork props and they require zero additional resources:
- you do not need electricity,
- you do not need gas,
- and it does not create additional pollution.
Furthermore the whole process of formwork repair is faster and more sustainable, because you can renovate the props at your warehouse or even construction site without transporting them to other specialized repair companies and transport them back.
In other words, you save time and money!
We invented and produced the first PropFIX tool in 2009. Since that time patented tools are shipped to many formwork rental, specialized formwork repair and construction companies. The tools proved their efficiency and companies come back for new tools. The tools help to save money by repairing fast and cheap. Also the tool saves money because the material gets back to rental immediately after repair which can be done at your warehouse. Moreover some companies also bring the tool to the construction site.
As long the the problem of the damaged material is solved companies do not need to charge the clients big damage fees.
We are preparing the special BAUMA sales deals for you as always.
This will be our third PropFIX at Bauma2022 exhibition in Munich.
Let’s meet and talk at Bauma2022 again! Our booth will be at the hall B3/332